"Forbidden Flying Discs" is a short in Disney's Chibi Tiny Tales series, and the eighth short in the series to be focused on Kiff.
When Kiff and Barry lose a flying disc to a super spooky tree, Kiff gets right to the root of the problem by climbing to get it back.
Kiff and Barry's game of frisbee in the park is interrupted when their disc lands in a scary-looking forest nearby. Kiff nervously ventures into the forest to retrieve the disc and spots it in the branches of a haunted tree. She climbs the tree to grab the disc, but the tree takes the disc for itself and sends Kiff running away in fear. When the tree causes Kiff to trip on a branch, then laughs at her misfortune, Kiff decides to return for the disc. Entering one of the tree's hollows, she manages to climb up the tree again and take back the disc. However, the tree then starts crying, so Kiff invites it to join her and Barry's frisbee game.