"Froyo Frenzy" is a short in Disney's Chibi Tiny Tales series, and the fifth short in the series to be focused on Kiff.
It debuted as a segment in the Shorts Spectacular episode "Kiff's Animal Kingdom Shorts Spectacular" – which was released on April 6, 2024 – and was later released as a standalone video on July 21 of that year.
At a frozen yogurt shop, Kiff notices that Barry's yogurt cone is slightly taller than hers. The two end up trying to outdo each other by filling their cones with as much yogurt as possible. When they run out of yogurt, they switch to using toppings to make their cones taller.
The cones eventually extend all the way to outer space, with Barry's cone once again being slightly taller. Kiff manages to grab the shop's last cherry topping and put it on her cone to beat Barry, but the cone then gives way and collides with Barry's cone, sending all the yogurt and toppings tumbling down. Kiff and Barry are presented with a huge bill by the shop's cashier.