Kiff Wiki

This is a list of known species that have appeared in Kiff.


Species Character(s) Image example
Squirrel Chatterley family HWTD 093
Rabbit Buns family FourthBath 291
Secretary Bird Principal Secretary SJWHF4
Witch Helen, Agnes, Ghost Grannie Farley 246
5POTAP 249
Fox Fox family Pool Party 311
Pool Party 007
Hedgehog Trevor Angstrom
Table Town civilian
KiffsMix 375
Hat 190
Raccoon Reggie Hat 077
Warthog Renée du Bedat TTT 093
Goat Billiam Hat 078
Frog Glarbin Gloobin CareerDay 197
Wolf Ghost Wolf
Ridgeway Burlington
GWA 086
Soup Opera 054
Soup Opera 117
Giraffe Darryn
Miss Moufflé
PDS 581
ClubBook 336
Deer Miss Deer Teacher
Forlington Slarvly
Soup Opera 074
Aardvark Table Town Middle School student TTBTT 016
Brown bear Table Town civilian CareerDay 093
Glacier bear Gareth LOTI 123
Cobra Rentley's Turtleneck Rentals employee No Dad Ideas 349