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You're the coolest kid I've ever seen, and I look in the mirror everyday.

Michaela Oats, "Big Barry on Campus"

Michaela Oats is a recurring character in the series Kiff. She is a student at Table Town High School.


BBOC 154

Michaela first meets Barry.

Michaela Oats[1] is a student at Table Town High School. Her schoolmates include her boyfriend Kyle Lyon and close friends Terri Buns and Danny Wibbon.[2] Outside of school, she is a high-ranking member of the Table Town Babysitter's Society.[3]


Michaela is a pony with brown fur, gold hair, and a gold tail. She is typically seen wearing a lavender crop top, gold earrings, and a pearl bracelet around her left arm.


In her first notable appearance in "Big Barry on Campus", Michaela becomes one of Barry's classmates when he is mistakenly transferred to Table Town High School. After briefly staring him down, Michaela declares that Barry is "the coolest kid I've ever seen" and quickly accepts him into her friend group.

In "Kiff Escape!", Michaela skips school to shop at Partials, where she fights with Helen over a crop top on sale. In response, Helen magically traps Michaela inside one of Michaela's own bubblegum bubbles.


Kyle Lyon[]


Michaela and Kyle reconciling.

Kyle and Michaela are first stated to be a couple in "Kiff and Barry Go to Prom". In the episode, the two break up after Michaela, while visiting Danny's beach house, sends a text to Kyle telling him not to text her; afterwards, Kyle and Michaela take Terri and Ben Bamboo as their respective dates to prom to make each other jealous. It later emerges that Michaela actually urged Kyle not to text her because of the poor reception at the beach house, but that her follow-up text with this information was never delivered. The two are then reconciled thanks to the intervention of Kiff, Barry, and Trevor, who had been following the couple's relationship drama.



Click here to view the image gallery for Michaela Oats.
Click here to view the gallery for Michaela Oats.


ve Characters
Main characters Kiff ChatterleyBarry Buns
Supporting characters Beryl ChatterleyMartin ChatterleyMary BunsHarry BunsTerri BunsKristophe BunsTrevor AngstromRenée du BedatCandle FoxReggieHelenMiss Deer TeacherPrincipal SecretarySecretary PrinceSweepy SteveRoy FoxGlarbin Gloobin
Recurring characters BilliamDarrynGarethPattySnekoleAgnesGhost WolfDr. LyonMiss MouffléMichaela OatsThe PoneRatTrollieThe Wall of Goat
Minor characters AmiraAndrewMrs. AngstromBen BambooOther BarryBeverlyBiffBiker LadyBillFlam BingoBird GregBird LindaCakie BonutRidgeway BurlingtonCedricPat ChatterleyRose ChatterleyTom ChatterleyCherylCentaur ClausComputer GremlinLance ContractDanteDeeDennisDerylDianeDiegoDonnieDrifterBen FinnQuinn Finn • The Five Pigeons of the Acapellapocalypse (Bad BoyMeatheadMystery LadNice GuyParty Girl) • Miss FoodcakeGayleGerardGhost GrannieGladysGordonGram GramGrandma DogBort GrigLady Jane HarnessDan HillBigby HindIrisJean ClaudeJillJudge JudegyKennyDean KimKimKlonL.E.The Left BrothersLiz K.Professor LloydLady LorraineLittle LouisKyle LyonMrs. LyonMavMerylPawva MuggNick NaméNice Old SingerMr. PenguinoPeteMarkus PlueTarryn PlueKim PopularéRadMr. RiPeppaRockwellMiss RogersRooRossoMa SaddlePa SaddleRob SadlySallyScarm ScaremlySeagull GirlForlington SlarvlySlentSlimmy PPrincipal SwanTimmy TableVanilla TignerTippyTonyProfessor TotsyTuft Pierre StudentsMiss TulaneTylerErica Von AntWayneDanny WibbonGeorge Meredith WillowsChubbles Wubbington