"Super Slide" is a short in Disney's Chibi Tiny Tales series, and the first short in the series to be focused on Kiff.
A "Halfway There Day" version featuring the animatic and final versions of the short played side by side was released on July 2, 2023, coinciding with that year's Halfway There Day.
When Kiff and Barry use a water slide for some summertime fun, Kiff decides to take it to the extreme.
Kiff and Barry race each other on a slip-and-slide at the park, and Barry wins. Kiff coats herself in baby oil to slide faster and ends up sliding around the world and back. She bumps into Barry, causing her to slide upward all the way to outer space before crashing back down to Earth, next to the slip-and-slide's finish line. Kiff then hands the oil to Barry, who pours it on himself as the scene irises out.