"Toilet Flood Pool Party" is a short in Disney's Chibi Tiny Tales series, and the second short in the series to be focused on Kiff.
A "Halfway There Day" version featuring the animatic and final versions of the short played side by side was released on July 3, 2023, one day after that year's Halfway There Day.
When Kiff's air conditioning goes out on a hot day, there's clearly only one solution: turn her house into an indoor swimming pool.
While Kiff and Barry are hanging out in Kiff's house on a hot day, the air conditioner breaks down. To beat the heat, Kiff clogs her toilet with various items, causing water to flood the house. An alarmed Beryl struggles to unclog the toilet while Kiff, Barry, Candle, and Reggie play downstairs in the water.
Eventually, the water reaches the ceiling, leaving everyone unable to breathe. Martin then returns home with the fixed air conditioner and opens the front door, causing the water to rapidly flood out and send Martin flying off into the sky. The others see that the air conditioner is fixed and celebrate.
- This short marks Beryl, Candle, Reggie, and Martin's first appearances in chibi form.